What would happen if you could turn all of your Facebook Likes into leads?
Chances are, you’d never have to worry about where your next client is going to come from…
In fact, if you do it right, you might soon have a long waiting list of clients BEGGING to work with you!
In this article, I’m sharing 7 clever ways to start turning your Facebook Likes into leads right now.
Why You aren’t Getting Clients from Facebook
Your business page on Facebook has hundreds, or maybe even thousands, of Likes…
Yet the “Book a Call” section on your website is getting little to no traction.
Why is that? Why can’t you seem to turn any of your Facebook fans into paying clients?
The answer is simple: you haven’t built up your “know, like, trust” factor enough.
If your Facebook fans don’t trust you and your expertise, they won’t buy from you.
In order to build trust with your Facebook fans (and turn them into paying clients), you need to focus on cultivating real relationships with them.
How to Turn Facebook Likes into Leads
3 Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make
1. Too much self-promotion
If you want to build a strong relationship with your Facebook fans, avoid spamming them with offers.
Instead, focus on serving their needs first by providing helpful advice and tips in most of the content you publish on Facebook.
2. Forgetting to include a call-to-action (CTA)
You’d be surprised at how many business owners forget to include a call-to-action in their Facebook posts.
How can you turn a Like into a lead without asking people to take some kind of action?
Whether it’s signing up for your email list or joining your Facebook group, make sure your fans know exactly what you want them to do next.
3. Lack of consistency
Building a strong relationship with your Facebook fans takes time.
If you want results, you need to show up and engage with your fans consistently – if not every day, then at least a few times per week.
(There is one strategy that could help you turn your Likes into leads in under a week… Keep reading to find out what it is!)
What to Do Instead: 6 Clever Ways to Turn Facebook Likes into Leads
1. Engage with your followers regularly.
In addition to sharing valuable content with your fans and followers, make sure to engage with them on a daily, or at least weekly, basis.
Treat your followers like they are your friends!
Post regular updates, reply to comments, and thank people for sharing your content with others.
2. Don’t be afraid to promote your offers.
While you want to avoid spamming your followers, there’s nothing wrong with sharing your offers with them in a natural, organic way.
Just make sure your offers don’t overpower the free content you are sharing with your followers.
3. Use Facebook “real estate” to your advantage.
Make sure a new follower knows exactly who you are and what you do the second they land on your page.
It’s not just about writing a great page description, though.
Chances are, there are at least a few places of Facebook “real estate” that could help you out.
Have you added links to your main offers to the “Info” section?
Considered highlighting your offer in your page’s cover photo?
What about adding extra sections to your page, highlighting each of your offers individually?
4. Use analytics to tailor your approach.
The “Insights” section of your business page is an invaluable tool for turning your Likes into leads.
You can find out your follower’s preferences, see what types of content they respond to, and adjust your strategy accordingly.
5. Create your own Facebook group (and invite your fans to join).
Many of the previous tips (sharing content, engaging in conversation, etc.) will work even better if you implement them inside your own Facebook group!
When it comes to cultivating real relationships with potential clients, Facebook groups are hard to beat.
Having your own Facebook group establishes you as a leader and gives you an opportunity to position yourself as an expert in your niche.
When you’ve created your group, simply make a post on your business page, asking your fans to join.
You can also offer them an incentive, such as a promise of even more exclusive content inside the group.
6. Run a Facebook challenge in your Facebook group.
A Facebook challenge is a mini-training where you take your participants through a series of action steps for a set period of time.
Facebook challenges are a fantastic way of attracting new clients to your business – even if you don’t have a huge following online.
They help you stand out in a crowd, position yourself as an expert, and quickly build up your “know, like, trust” factor with your ideal clients.
Think of a Facebook challenge as a free sample your potential clients get to try before investing in the real thing.
If you nail your challenge, they will be more than happy to pay for your programs and services going forward.
Plus, Facebook challenges require minimal tech skills to execute.
They also tend to work much quicker than other marketing methods – which makes them perfect for finding new clients in a pinch.
If you do it right, you could be bringing in new profits in less than a week!
Need More Help?
If you want to turn your Facebook Likes into leads (and give your business a much-needed cash infusion), running a Facebook challenge is your best bet.
Want to make sure you nail every single aspect of your challenge? Grab your FREE Challenge Checklist now.
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