
Facebook Groups: How To Find The Right Facebook Groups To Join

2019-06-08T12:59:37-07:00By |Facebook, Social media strategies|

Actively participating in Facebook groups can easily position you as the go-to-expert in your industry, and help you create strong long-term connections that turn into leads. Are you trying to find the right Facebook group to join and grow your business?

Facebook Mastery Assessment: Does Your Marketing Strategy Work?

2017-08-11T06:55:53-07:00By |Facebook, Marketing, Social media strategies|

Facebook Mastery Assessment can help you learn what you don't know about your Facebook marketing strategy and measure just how well you are leveraging Facebook for your business.

How to Attract Clients on Facebook: An Interview

2019-02-16T06:25:54-08:00By |Business Coaching, Facebook, Marketing, Social media strategies|

Want to know how to attract clients on Facebook organically? Curious about the value business coach can add to your business? Listen to my recent interview on Connecting People Changing Lives radio show to find out...

Rules of Facebook Tagging Etiquette Every Business Owner Should Know

2019-03-11T06:35:30-07:00By |Facebook, Marketing, Online Presence, Social media strategies|

Facebook has become an integral part of doing business and connecting with potential prospects. But not everyone follows the unspoken etiquette of Facebook tagging.

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